Jody and mar love to cook.We cook and share from this well-seasoned kitchen, only a few steps from tu-tu-tu, our little kitchen shop. Friend us on facebook to see what we're cooking!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Fresh Produce Without Refrigeration

For years, Don Ruperto would drive to Tepic in the middle of the night to be at the mercado by 4 am. The drive is 1 1/2 hours on dangerous mountain roads.  Every night.  So he could have the best and freshest produce at his market each morning. Now there are 3 or 4 good produce stores and several produce trucks that cruise the neighborhoods with their loudspeakers blaring. 
The one store that had refrigeration had the worst produce in town, and eventually switched to the fresh-in-the-shade approach as well. As long as they can get resupplied daily, they only need to have a small quantity on hand.
Tu-tu-tu kitchenware cottage @ facebook

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